The Largest Crypto C-Level Community In The World

Crypto Executives - is a networking group of 2,000+
C-Level Executives from crypto companies coming together in one place.

Community Members
Partnerships With Projects
Investors Connections
Proven Web3 Vendors

Faraj Abutalibov (Linkedin), Founder of Crypto Executives

— Founder of the Crypto Executives community 2000+ C-level executives
— Co-Founder and CBDO of CrossCurve by EYWA
— 15 years experience in Corporate Oil & Gas Exxon, BP etc
— Harvard Business School Executive Education
— Founder Harvard Alumni Crypto Club
— MBA from WBS (UK). MSc Engineering
— Advising 10+ Projects
— Speaker on Multiple conferences worldwide

Michael (Hypov) Antonov (Linkedin),
Partner & COO of Crypto Executives

- 13+ years of trading and investing experience
- Top four most popular bitcoin analysts
- With content in 15 languages and millions of views
- 8 years of blockchain and crypto experience
- Built 2 investment hubs from scratch
- 3+ years experience in venture investing
- MBA & MCs (DS&ML)
- Personally connected to 1500+ VCs and founders
- Advisor & IR Guru
- Loves white coffee in KL ;)

If you are...

Founder/Co-Founder/C-Level position

If you are a C-Level who is in crypto industry.

Value like minded people

Want to join a group of people who share your passion and experience in the space.

Looking for growth

You seek new connection, support to grow your project or find the right project to invest in.


Crypto Executives - the most reliable space for connections in Web3 World

Our Services

Fundraising Support

A seamless process for founders that want to get in touch with top tier Web3 VCs


Strategic project development, ideation, connections to top influencers, KOLs & vendors

Tokenomics Development

Sophisticated token economics models that include token distribution, mechanics use cases, projections, modelling and more



Tokens listings to top tier Centralized Exchnages, Launchpads, Investment Pools and more



Organizing, sponsoring and supporting partners events globally


Connecting the game changers of the Decentralized World

CRYPTO EXECUTIVES CLUB IS a networking group of
C-Level Executives and Co-founders from the crypto space

Want to learn more?

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